The Audience
Queen Elizabeth II
Mary Young
Young Elizabeth
Mary Donathan
John Major
Patrick Foster
Winston Churchill
Rich McCoy
Harold Wilson
Dennis Rendleman
Bobo MacDonald
Nancy Cole
Gordon Brown
Chuck McCue
Anthony Eden
Troy Kemp
Tony Blair
Greg Floyd
David Cameron
Mike Krcil
Margaret Thatcher
Cynda Wrightsman
The Equerry
Jim Dahlquist
Private Secretary
Bridget Ratz
Joe-Michael Jackson
Ginny Racette
Julie Staley
Stage Manager
Mike Rogers
Costume Designer
Rene Blank
Wig Master
James Lathim
Prop Master
Melody Sheehan
Set Master
David Parker
Sound Technician
Aaron Duncan
Light Technician
Kevin Zepp
Promo Photographer
Chuck McCue
Show Photographer
Donna Lounsberry
Laura Richter
Set Crew
Harvey Edwards, Kevin Ford, Dick Livingston, Ben Pottorf, Quailin Thompson
Rave Reviews

Written by
Peter Morgan
Directed by
Joe-Michael Jackson and Ginny Racette
Produced by
Julie Staley
For sixty years Elizabeth II has met each of her twelve Prime Ministers in a weekly audience at Buckingham Palace. Both parties have an unspoken agreement never to repeat what is said, not even to their spouses. The Audience breaks this contract between the Downing Street incumbents and their Queen. This play was the inspiration for the popular TV series, “The Crown.”

The Hoogland Center for the Arts
420 South Sixth Street,
Springfield, Illinois 62701
Special Thanks
Spencer Theatre Company wishes to extend our sincerest thank you to these individuals and businesses who helped in our production:

Spencer on Stage